Tuesday, December 21, 2004


Just look at it.

New potter book next July, approximately four days after my birthday! I dunno, at this point I need to read it because I'm kind of obsessed, but I'm starting to not like JKR. Does that make sense?

Monday, December 20, 2004

Everyone loves weekend updates

BTW, I did actually do some stuff this weekend. Megan quit at Kohl's,
and her last day there was friday, so saturday she and I and Lowell went
to Galaxy in downtown SS to play some pool and celebrate. Apparently
they really wanted to hear the game, cuz after we used the jukebox three
or four times, they stuck a sign on it that said out of order, but it
was quite obviously not out of order. Or maybe they just got pissed that
I actually had the nerve to make it play Whitesnake. It's not like I
didn't select other stuff that normal people like.

Anyway, after we played pool for about two hours we went over to
Borders, and I got a couple of magazines and a gift for my mom, and
there was much dawdling around the music magazines. Then we got into
Lowell's van and drove around randomly for a while listening to the
Killers and Franz Ferdinand, and some other random stuff Lowell had on
his Ipod like RHCP and Billy Joel. We went to White Flint for some food
in the eatery, and I complained loudly about the japanese place no
longer carrying green tea ice cream, which is practically a crime, dude.
Then we piled back into the van and drove around some more, having to
hit Galaxy again because Megan had forgotten to ask for her ID
back...and then we went to Toys'r'Us, where it took us ages to find the
legos and Lowell and I made the not too surprising discovery that Donkey
Konga is just DDR for your hands.

Then we went to De Lounge to meet Cedric, and stayed for the Drag Queen
show, which was of course fabulous. I mean, everyone loves drag queens!
Or at least I do. Eventually around 1am, maybe 1:30, we got tired and
Lowell drove Megan and I home.

Then today I woke up around 2ish and did almost nothing productive at
all. Because that was what I wanted to do with my day. :Þ

Look! I'm posting!

Actually posting on this one instead of my LJ, isn't it amazing?

Honestly, I like this better, but I fall for the incredible peer pressure behind LJ, or in other words I know damn well my friends will never read this because they just like to read their friends page and have done with it.

So why am I posting here? Because I can, dammit.

This is a lot prettier than my LJ.