Thursday, September 30, 2004


*Leerie sidles in and posts a link to Megan's LJ entry about the Keane concert*

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

And now for something probably not as funny as I'd like to think I usually am

Obviously I need to recap the weekend...uh, for some reason. Since there are as yet no comments I'm guessing no one reads this, which would make sense since I haven't exactly broadcasted its existence. But I'll recap my weekend for me anyway.

Saturday: Museum of the American Indian downtown with two other people who showed, only one of which was in fact in a sociology class.
Sunday: Maryland Renaissance Festival with Jessica and Megan.
Monday: Driving randomly around with JoeCB.
Tuesday: Skipping classes half accidentally due to having spared no day for crashing, followed by Keane concert with Megan.
Wednesday aka Today: Megan made me wake up almost in the actual morning after having not gotten home until near on 3am, and wanted to go out to eat, but when we discovered that I didn't have any money, she decided to settle for me walking her to the bus stop.

All of this was fun, and most of it contains other random things that happened that I'm too lazy to retell at the moment, but suffice it to say that I haven't listened to an entire showing of Loveline in at least a week, and this makes me somewhat sad, because Adam Corolla is damn funny. I am really fucking tired, so I'm going to have to miss it tonight also. Now I'm going to need to email my Anthro professor and suck up about missing class tuesday (we had a test) and then fall into my bed and sleep till tomorrow.

Sunday, September 26, 2004


Sigh. I am le tired. I was at the Renaissance Festival all day with Megan and Jessica. More on that later, when I feel like writing.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Red Mage

Le sigh. Just woke up. Today's 8-bit Theatre is pretty good. I think I liked the last one about King Steve better, though. Because King Steve is frikking hilarious. King Steve rocks my socks.
Oh, spose I should say something about red mage, considering the title of this post. He is le stupide. One wants to hit him. That is all.

Random Question

The random question category in one's user profile only allows 150 characters for your answer, so I'd like to elaborate on my answer here.
The Question was: How is an ankle unlike a consequence?
My Answer is: Oooh, very Zen question. I suppose the obvious answer is that an ankle is nearly at the end of your leg, where a consequence is all the way at the end of an event. Although consequences in general happen all the time, sometimes even before the cause, the event as noted down in history usually has the cause at the beginning and the consequence or effect at the end. The fact that this has no real relation to how events actually occur in our reality is in no way the point, as the word consequence itself wouldn't really apply if you're gonna get all metaphysical and shit.
All it would allow me to say of that in the profile was: An ankle is nearly at the end of your leg, where a consequence is all the way at the end of an event.

Teh first postie

Yes, it is I, the Leerie, creating this new blog because...well, because I actually like blogger rather better than livejournal, and because I can't remember my password for the one I made that one time, apparently in January of 2002. So now, having created it, I post this introductory message. Since no one is going to read this until I point out its existence to someone, I'm sure there's no need to tell you to wait.
I intend to do stuff with this. But not tonight.